April 1, 2009

Monday Delight: With Apna Ste !!

Pre-script: Sandeep taking Ste's interview for WL: Monday Delight series!

Sandeep: Okay Ste, now for the rapid fire round.. you have to answer within 2 seconds.. and your answers have to be short and to-the-point... okay ready?
Ste: (beaming) ready saar!
Sandeep: Blogging or breathing?
Ste: Blothing.. er... i mean both!
Sandeep: Golu or Bhondu?
Ste: Golu... Golu's the girl, right?
Sandeep: No, you are the bhonduuuu... next question: What is the one thing that you are really afraid of?
Ste: Darkness... Because I won't be able to see Sandeep in the dark and he might take advantage of that!
Sandeep: Hmm... wait till I switch off the lights now... Next question...If there was one thing about WL that you could change, what would be it?
Ste: My photo... with the cowboy hat... in the excellence awards post!
Sandeep: You think I'll let you change that? Next question now: Has your girlfriend stopped beating you?
Ste: Yes... er... no... er... no... er... yes.. er...

#12 lines


  1. ayyo ayyo... ROFL ROFL ROFL

    i will keep exetra-bright lights for ya, dont u worry dude ;)

    ste hope u laugh tht off dude

    nice work nega.... :P

  2. Yes... er... no... er... no... er... yes.. er...

  3. @ Kings

    sure sure da... yextra bright lights needed!


  4. @ Tan

    The last question was actually meant for Sandy's interview... Ste didn't ask him that on my behalf... so I decided to take revenge and asked that to Ste!

    BTW, Sandy, care to answer?


  5. hehehhhee....
    Ths MONDAY DELIGHT is extremely delightful..:)

  6. lolz....
    waiting for sandy's answer...... :D

  7. this was perfect!! :P

  8. this was perfect!! :P


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