April 13, 2011

Best Friend?

We held hands
We talked for hours
We laughed over silly things
We cried over boys
We teased each other
We never left each other
All those lunch breaks together
All those after school talks
You were my best friend
You were the one who could make me smile even at the darkest times
You fixed me when I was broken
And hugged me when I won
But then it all came to an end
School, was done.
Now its been a year since I spoke to you
And I do miss you
But what should have lasted didn't 
It probably was meant not to.

Best friends, they're so important in our lives. But we've all gone through rough times with friends when suddenly they are so important and suddenly you dont even know anything about them. Things change, people change even faster. This was a dedication to my school best friend :)



  1. Sorry to hear that nobody visits you anymore, almost nobody.
    This comment is not a writer's post, but just to say that we have 'spotted!' you as a good blog.
    You can see our listings here: http://indiantopblogs.blogspot.com

  2. its a long time i completed my schooling around 7 yrs. Ya i am in touch with very few of my friends. At that time there was no facebook or orkut even mobile is too expensive.Thks for such a simple poem. It refresh simple life of school.
    If love to contribute my articles too. You can take a look at my blog.

  3. its a long time i completed my schooling around 7 yrs. Ya i am in touch with very few of my friends. At that time there was no facebook or orkut even mobile is too expensive.Thks for such a simple poem. It refresh simple life of school.
    If love to contribute my articles too. You can take a look at my blog.

  4. All so romantic.
    And this is one reason for blogs to fade off.i have noticed that the blog is getting filled up with all kinds of romantic poems.As if there is nothing else in life.
    People get boredont you know that?.D

  5. Sweet and nostalgic. Great image with it, too!

  6. Thankeees foh the reviews people. :)


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