January 28, 2011

WheN aLL HopE FadES

When the winds of love slowly die down
The path to me is uncertain ahead.
The fate of us now rests with me
I won’t give up. Not today.

When the doubts in your mind grow too much
And the faith in me lies in shadows
The flame of my heart will light the way
And crush the demon that follows.

When each step you take grow harder
And you don’t have the strength to carry on
Whisper my name, in your dreams
I will deliver you to the dawn.

When all hope fades and you stumble
And the world left behind is full of pain
Trust your love in me, my love
And tomorrow will be better again.


  1. Do you know why it is called "falling in love"?
    With the same ease with which you fall in, you can fall out of it as well.
    So,no more lamentations.

  2. Hey that was a beautiful poem!

    Too much was said...
    But remember; "When nothing is there, Hope is still there!" Never let hope fade though its minute !

    Take Care,

  3. that was really beautiful.. loved it :)

  4. nice poem fl ..nice to c u here

  5. That was so beautifully written fl! :) wow...

    Whisper my name, in your dreams
    I will deliver you to the dawn.

    i loved those two lines especially! :)


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